Wednesday, September 2, 2009

new feature..the Daily Word

I am a long-time lover of words. I love the way a word can express an intonation of thought in much the same way that artists create a slightly different color to express what they want. For me, etymology has always held a definite fascination; how words evolve, how they become more or less popular and the degree to which they are used.

To that end, I will try to bring forth a new word each day. Expect that these won't be your typical, run-of-the-mill words. My mind does not work that way..LOL. Speaking of which and forgive the aside but, when will the 'word' LOL appear in spoken language; when someone will actually say those three letters in response to something humorous? And isn't it interesting that as books have become more expensive, newspaper readership has suffered a steep drop-off, the proliferation of internet created words enjoys a lot of growth and along with it the abreviations such as 'omg', 'tmi' and 'btw' to name a couple of the more kind ones.

So without further ado I give you today's word with a definition and most often the derivation and application of that word.

Absquatulate, meaning to make off, decamp, or abscond, to get up and depart quickly. So with that, please forgive but I must blow this popcorn stand or to use today's word..I must now absquatulate forthwith.

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