At an international medical conference, three doctors were having lunch. The French doctor bragged, "In France, medicine is so advanced, we can remove a kidney from one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in three weeks."
The German doctor bragged, "Ha. That's nothing! In Germany, we can remove a lung from one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks."
The American doctor said, "Hah! In America, we can take an asshole out of Illinois, put him in the White House, and half of the country will be looking for work the next week!"
The idea for this model came from a video seen on the internet, where a Netherlander enjoyed driving a model truck in a park. Excited, I’ve started to collect drawings and images of the American truck for excellence that is the Peterbilt 359. The cabin has required several hours of work, I had to build a wooden frame perfectly in scale, I used to create the counter in fiberglass. Thanks to the posting and a lot of patience I got the final light fiberglass cabin and durable and with few hours of smoothing and finishing the final result has arrived. Constructed with two iron pipes from 60x30 mm and 1.5 mm thick the frame is sturdy and can withstand heavy weights and twists, thanks to a structure attached to the main frame by four springs and two sturdy strips of iron, the motor 750 watt 36v moves along the wheels and a sprocket-chain drive transmits motion to the twin wheels. I was inspired for the steering system used in go-karts, where the two wheels, the inner and outer have a different turning radius.
Everything is powered by a 12v power derived from a crick with a lot of torque. To get a real truck, you need a right horn, therefore I installed under the hood a mini-compressor bi-cylinder 12v that delivers up to 10 bar pressure.
I can control two types of trumpets with two valves, two smaller scale placed above the cabin and two located under the frame in real measurement. To make the model more realistic, I installed a smoke machine (those used in disco) and after a long search I managed to find a small one, to permit to install it under the frame.
American trucks are distinguished mainly for chrome: the most important chrome components are the tanks, which I obtained from the common plastic pipe used in construction, closed at the ends with putty for bodyworks and after hours of grinding have become real tanks. I created the same way the air filters placed at the sides of the cab . All the chrome parts of the model were made of plastic and putty, and thanks to a specific treatment made by a specializing firm are now you can see. The last big hurdle is the power of the model: I chose to install three high performance gel batteries that provide 50 Ah, 900 A starting power each one. The reason of this choice is the excellent resistance and high number of charge-discharge cycles that support this type of battery . The only drawback is the weight, 54 kg that burden of the frame and on my back when I have to carry or move it. Since an electric model is silent and unrealistic, I installed a Tamiya's sound model which simulates all the sounds of the real truck. The sound volume is too low for me therefore I mounted an audio amplifier which takes the signal of the form, it increases and plays with two turned down coaxial speakers installated under the cab. The large volume of cables and electrical connections has created quite a few interference to radio receiver, that the first installation has begun to do some 'of his head. To curb this problem are forced to separate all the powers of the various servants, twisting the wires and keep them as far as possible the signal wires that run from the receiver.
Due to the size and weight of the model (210 cm in height, 100 cm high and 60 wide, with a weight of almost 180 kg) I was forced to take two possible solutions for the safety and control of it: the first is a button 'mushroom emergency in the rear cabin that when pressed immediately freezes and cuts off all power. The second are the "Fail-safe installed for each servo, which prevent them from going crazy in the case of signal failure.
The construction of this model took me many hours of sleep during the nine months of construction, but every time I see him following me as I walk or transport me it is an indescribable satisfaction, especially because I'm the first in Italy to have made a model of this type.
The only advice I can give to those who want to try building a model of this kind is to get a lot of patience, perseverance and possibly to design the 3D CAD model (as I did): this helps in building details, allows you to see first the size and simulate the mechanisms before they build.
Now I'm starting to build the trailer for this model, it would be transport NASCAR and the model will reach 5 meters. length…so the adventure continues!