Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Expert says small condoms should be labelled as large


Small condoms should be labelled "large" because men are sensitive about size, a study has found. The study by researchers in the US said that men needed to be encouraged to get the right sized condom and called on condom makers to deal with the delicate question of penis size.

Bill Yarber, of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction in Indiana, said that widespread pornography may have distorted the male self-image, making it harder for some men to accept that they have a less than large penis.

"The old saying is, women don't have penis envy, men do," he said.

He called on condom makers to rename their smallest size "large", and then move on to "extra large" for medium size and so on. "Certainly, don't label them as large, medium or extra small," he said.

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