Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Pope Was in Malta Recently

pope pedobear

This is one of the billboards that heralded his arrival. You'll notice two small panda bears at the bottom of the billboard. In the internet 'pedobear' is often used as a symbol of pedophaelia.

"The cartoon character "Pedobear" is a renamed version of the 2chan ASCII art character "kuma". In his American incarnation, he is an anthropomorphic bear child predator that is often used within the community to mock contributors showing a sexual interest in under-age girls. Pedobear is one of the most popular memes on non-English imageboards, and is gaining recognition across Europe. Although the meme is apparently unknown in Poland, it has been used as a symbol of pedophilia by Maltese graffiti vandals."

I suspect it's this kind of 'publicity' that has finally forced the hand of the Vatican to say that abusive clergymen will be turned over to local authorities for prosecution.

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