Tuesday, August 24, 2010

JOKE: Farmer John was in trouble


Farmer John was in trouble. A neighbor saw him "enjoying himself" with one of his sheep and reported him. He was charged with bestiality. Worried, Farmer John started looking for a lawyer. He asked his barber, who replied, "There's two: Brown is sharper, but expensive; Smith ain't so bright, but he sure can pick a jury. And, he's cheap."

Farmer John hired Smith. Came the day of the trial, the whole town packed the courtroom. John was worried, despite Smith's reassurances that all was taken care of. The prosecution's star witness started off with, "I saw Farmer John abusing that poor animal with my own two eyes. And when he was through, danged if that sheep didn't turn around and lick him !" John thought, "That's it. I'm dead." But then he noticed the jury foreman whispering to the other jurors, who nodded in agreement, "A good sheep'll do that!"

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