Friday, September 24, 2010

JOKE: The Horse Don't Look So Good

horse whiteA rich man's daughter wanted a white horse for her birthday gift. He saw a poor man with a beautiful white stallion and asked to buy it. "I'll give you $500 for that horse," he said.

The poor man replied, "I don't know, mister; it don't look so good."

The rich man searched everywhere, but couldn't find a horse as fine, so he found the same man and this time offered him $1,000 for his horse. The poor man said, "I don't know, mister; it don't look so good."

On the day before his daughter's birthday, the rich man was desperate. "I'll give you $2,000 for that horse," he begged. The poor man needed the money, so he agreed, and the rich man took his horse home. His daughter absolutely loved her present. She leapt onto the horse and took off at a gallop... right into a tree! The rich man found the poor man and demanded an explanation for the horse's blindness.

The poor man replied, "Remember? I told you it don't look so good!"

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