Thursday, October 7, 2010

JOKE: Tom got in a terrible fight with his wife

Tom got in a terrible fight with his wife, which she ended with, "You're homely, weak, and not man enough to satisfy me!"

Tom stomped out of the house, steaming mad. At the edge of town, he spied something in the grass -- an old lamp. He rubbed it and, sure enough, out popped a genie, who made him the standard three-wish deal. With his wife's words ringing in his ears, he responded, "Make me look like George Clooney with the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger and..." he pointed to a horse in a nearby field... "and make me hung like that horse."

The genie said, "As you wish, sire," chuckled, and vanished, back into the lamp. Tom headed happily for home and knocked on the locked front door. His wife peeked through the peephole and saw the face of George Clooney! She flung open the door and saw the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger! Tom swept her off her feet and carried her up to the bedroom. It was as if her dreams had come true! As Tom removed his clothes, he continued, "Oh, honey, wait until you see what else I have for you!" But when he felt his crotch, he cried, "Oh, shit! That horse was a mare!"


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