Thursday, October 21, 2010

VIDEO: Escaped chimp attacks police car

A loose chimp in Kansas City, Missouri paced back and forth in a driveway and yard before sliding a wheelie bin down a street into a patrol car.

Contains NSFW language.

The 21-year-old chimp with a chain trailing behind her bounced onto the hood and scrambled up the windshield. The patrol car's dashcam captured one of her large paws smashing against the windshield, cracking it. She smashes a second time, creating more breaks in the glass.

The chimp then bounces off the patrol car and moves toward her owner, who now is in legal hot water with the city.

The chimp, whose name is Sueko but nicknamed Sue, is now at Monkey Island in Greenwood as authorities try to sort out whether to return the 160-pound chimp to her owner.

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