Friday, November 19, 2010

JOKE: the Mail Order Bride

One day, Robert ran into an old friend at the small town cafe. Tom, an eighty-year-old rancher, had lost his wife a year or so earlier and rumor had it that he intended to marry a "mail order" bride. As a friend, Robert asked Tom if the rumor was true.

"Yep," Tom assured him.

"How old is your new bride?"

"She'll be twenty-one, come November."

Robert, being a wise man, knew that the sexual appetites of such a young woman could never be satisfied by an eighty-year-old man. So, wanting his friend's golden years to be happy ones, Robert tactfully suggested that Tom consider getting a hired hand to help out around the ranch, knowing full well that nature would take its own course.

"That's a good idea. I'll start looking this afternoon." A few months passed before Robert ran into Tom again.

"How's the new wife?" he asked.

"Pregnant!" Tom said proudly.

Pleased that his wisdom had worked out, Robert asked, "And how's the new hired hand?"

Without hesitating, Tom beamed, "She's pregnant too!"

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