Monday, November 22, 2010

JOKE: the Son-in-law

A successful businessman welcomed his new son-in-law into the family by making him an equal partner in his business. "All I want you to do is go to the factory every day and learn the business."

The son-in-law replied, "No way. I hate factories. I can't stand the noise!"

"Well, uh, let's see," said the father-in-law, "why don't you work in the office and learn the business that way?"

"No way. I hate office work. I don't want to be stuck behind a desk all day!"

"Now just a minute, son. I just made you a half-owner of my business. If you won't work in the factory and you won't work in the office, what can I do with you?"

"Easy," said the son-in-law. "Buy me out!"

laffn penguin

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