Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Air New Zealand pulls 'Fares lower than grandma's boobs' ad

An Air New Zealand ad offering fares "lower than grandma's boobs" has been pulled after a campaign by outraged locals. The billboard, advertising Air New Zealand's cheap seat website Grabaseat, appeared in Nelson, New Zealand.

Local Jacquetta Bell deemed the slogan "sexist" and "offensive" and started an email campaign against the website. Grabaseat manager Duane Perrott said the slogan had come from a competition winner in Wellington, whose grandmother lives in Nelson.


"What this person thought was funny, as did many others, clearly didn't resonate with some individuals today, and Grabaseat will be removing the billboard shortly," Mr Perrott said. "We apologise if any offence was caused."

Ms Bell said she was pleased the billboard was going to be pulled and that older women had sent Air New Zealand a strong message. "The overwhelming message was they (Grabaseat) wouldn't say the same thing for men; like 'Fares as low as your granddad's willy'. They didn't think older women were important," Ms Bell said.

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