Sunday, December 5, 2010

Leon Take Your Break at Two

Several years ago, the struggling actor scored a (very) small role on "The Sopranos." His character had just one line ("Leon, take your break at two"), but he made the most of it. Weiner created an online video, "One Line on the Sopranos," in which he pondered the various ways he could deliver the line. The clip was catchy, funny, and quickly went viral.

Flash forward a few years and HBO is casting for its new show "Boardwalk Empire." Somebody shows creator and former "Sopranos" writer Terence Winter the video of Weiner rapping and dancing, and he is quickly charmed. But Winter does more than just chuckle; he invites Weiner in to try out for the morally ambiguous Agent Sebso.

Weiner, of course, nailed the audition, got the blessing of Martin Scorsese, who is producing the show, and is now starring on a show with more than just one line to say. A lot more. According to an article from ABC News, Weiner estimates that he has about 73 lines. No need to make a YouTube video this time.

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