Saturday, May 21, 2011

VIDEO: Minister with 'dead possum' haircut mocks baldheaded opponents

A New Zealand minister has hit out at critics of his "dead possum" haircut, chastising baldheaded foes who have mocked his manicured mane.

In a light-hearted video blog, Peter Dunne, the New Zealand revenue minister, said too much attention was paid to his bouffant hairstyle. "What's this thing about my hair? I'm getting a bit fed up with being described as having a dead possum on top, all sorts of other things like that," he said.

"Some people who think it's untidy, it's too grey, it's too coiffured. The only thing that ever goes on this is a comb and a hairbrush," he added, waving a comb at the camera. "And I think it's really baldheaded men (behind the criticism)."

Dunne, the leader of the United Future Party, a minority partner in the conservative coalition government, said appearing on one high-profile current affairs show was awkward because the interviewer constantly stared at his hair.

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