Friday, February 12, 2010

Drunk driver had grandson in one hand and a beer in the other

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COLLEGEDALE, TN -- A Collegedale man is behind bars, charged with driving drunk. Police say the man had his grandson in one hand, and a beer in the other.

In dash cam video you will only see on 3, you can see 54 year-old Fred Campbell get out of his van carrying his two year-old grandson.

It was a broken tail-light that first caught the officer's eye.

Then the officer discovered an open beer can in the van, and a warrant for Campbell's arrest.

Campbell admitted to police he had been drinking and the two-year-old was riding in his lap.

"He actually admitted to drinking six or seven beers," said Collegedale Police Chief Brian Hickman, "and while he was driving he had an open container that was half full and still cold, he admitted that was the beer he was drinking while he was driving."

Campbell was transported to the police station for a field sobriety test.

Police video shows Campbell trying to stand on one foot -- he doesn't last long.

Minutes later Campbell blew a .13, one and half times the legal limit.

Campbell pleaded guilty to several charges, including DUI and Reckless Endangerment. He is expected to serve one year behind bars, but his trouble may not be over. Campbell had 10 months left on his parole for a murder charge.

The boy is with his mother, but child services is investigating.

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