Sunday, August 8, 2010

JOKE: Little Jimmy and The Builders


I'm Going To Be A Builder When I Grow Up

Did you hear about little Jimmy? He is four years old.

He was bugging his mother so she said, "Jimmy, why don't you go across
the street and watch the builders wrok. Maybe you'll learn

Jimmy was gone about two hors. When he came home his mother asked him
what he learned.

Jimmy replied, "Well, first you put the God damn door up, then the son
of a bitch doesn't fit, so you have to take the cock sucker back down.
Then you have to take a cunt hair off each side and put the Mother
fucker back up.

Jimmy's Mother said, "you wait till your dad comes home". When
Jimmy's dad got home, mom told him to ask Jimmy what he learned across
the street. Jimmy told his dad the whole story. Dad said, "Jimmy you
go outside and get a switch."

Jimmy replied, "Fuck you, that's the electricians job!"


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