Monday, September 27, 2010

Pot Plants Stolen From Police Chief's Truck


PALMYRA, Wis. -- The Palmyra police chief said a woman stole marijuana from the back of his truck.

Police said the plants were in Chief Charles Warren's truck after he helped officers remove them from an elderly man's field.

Warren said his patrol car was being serviced, so he was using his truck for work.

"A couple of my officers called me and said, 'Look, the plants - 89 plants - are too big to put in the cruiser,'" Warren said.

He parked it outside a high school football practice where he was coaching after he picked up the pot.

From the football field, he saw a woman taking plants from the back of his truck and watched a man pull up with a trailer.

"I'm thinking, 'Are they going to take the stuff out of my truck and put it in the trailer?' That's when I saw her moving toward the vehicle. That's when I saw her moving toward the truck. And she saw me, and they took off and I said, 'OK, game on,'" Warren said.

The woman was cited for possession. Police said she was the mother of one of the football players.

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