Officials at Solid Rock Church, where a 62-foot statue of Jesus burned down because of a lightning strike, have declined an offer from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to rebuild it with a vegan message.
PETA representatives suggested via a faxed letter to the church that, in exchange for a grant, Jesus would be built with a lamb in his arms and a message inscribed on the statue: “Blessed Are the Merciful. Go Vegan.”
PETA sent the letter to the church’s pastors, the Revs. Lawrence and Darlene Bishop. It said the money would be donated in part by a devoutly Christian PETA supporter, officials said. The letter states the following:
“An ever-growing number of Christians believe that eating the flesh of God’s creatures supports the unholy cruelty of today’s filthy factory farms and slaughterhouses. I think everyone would agree that Jesus would be horrified by the cruelty that we inflict today on animals simply to satisfy our addiction to the taste of their flesh and milk, especially when so many healthful vegan options are readily available.
The letter goes on to say, “The new statue would serve as a reminder that every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice: We can add to the level of violence, suffering, and death in the world, or we can respect God’s creation by opting for a vegan meal. As you know, Jesus calls us to a life of radical love and sacrifice. Jesus said, ‘Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me.’ The animals in the meat, dairy, and egg industries are truly the meekest among us, completely dependent on our compassion and our mercy.
“As thanks for working with us to spread this lifesaving message, we will also send your congregation free copies of our “Christianity and Vegetarianism” pamphlets, vegetarian/vegan starter kits and children’s stickers showing a baby chick declaring, ‘Jesus loves me too!’” the letter said.
The Rev. Darlene Bishop said it was a nice gesture, but the church won’t take PETA up on the offer.
“We’re not interested. We raise cattle. We never build a statue with stipulations that we would have to advertise for PETA,” she said.
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