Sunday, November 7, 2010

JOKE: the Traveling Salesman and the Farmer's Daughter

One moonless night, way out in the boondocks, a traveling salesman wrecked his car. Badly battered and losing blood, he managed to crawl out of the wreckage, lifted himself to his elbows, and spotted a light in the distance. He vows to crawl toward what may be his only hope. Inch by agonizing inch, he crawled, every pebble and twig digging into his broken body. Hours later, he barely made it up the two steps to the farmhouse porch. Unable to stand, he banged his fist against the door. The farmer opened the door and nearly closed it again because he saw no one. "Down here," croaked the salesman. "I missed the curve. Wrecked my car. Need help bad." "You ain't one o' them traveling salesmen, are ya?" asked the farmer. "Yes, I am." The grizzled old man said, "Well, ya can spend the night here but I gotta warn ya: I ain't got no daughters!" There was a long pause and then the salesman asked, "So how far's the next farm?"

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